the round off is 3045
To get the decimal, divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator. If the decimal runs to more than one place, then you have to round it to one decimal place.
Go to the second decimal place; if it is less than 5; round down. If it is 5 or greater, round up. So, 1.51 rounded to 1 decimal place is 1.5.
To one decimal place it is rounded to 0.9
It already is rounded to one decimal place.
1.583 ones
It is 0.79
the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation, especially one after the decimal point
We need to round it up because the 7 is in the hundredths position to give 0.2 as the answer.
There is no "indicated place".
5 is in the thousands position. the 3 to the left is in hundreds. the 6 is in the tens position. the second 3 is in the units position. the 4 is in the tenths position
round 0.2975 to 1 decimal place = 0.3
to round 68.4 to one decimal place = 68.4
To round 13.681 to once decimal place, you first need to look at the second decimal place and determine it's value. If the number is less than five, you will keep the number that is in the first decimal place. In this case, the number in the hundredths (second) position is an eight, which is greater than five. Therefore, we must change the six to a seven. The answer would be: 13.7
To round 7.7 to the nearest decimal place, you would look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 7. Since this digit is 5 or greater, you would round up the digit in the first decimal place by adding 1. Therefore, 7.7 rounded to the nearest decimal place would be 7.8.
6.5- you round it until it has one decimal.
the round off is 3045