Round it up - to 0.05
If you round 1.463884266 to two decimal places... you end up with 1.46
3.1604 will 'round up' to 3.16
2 decimal places is the second number after the decimal point. So in 13.256 the 5 is the second decimal place. To round, you look at the number to the right of the decimal place you want to round to. So in 13.256 we look at the 6. If a number is greater than or equal to 5 you round up, if the number is less than 5 you round down. So 13.256 rounded to 2 decimal places is 13.26%
2356164.38 already has only 2 decimal places, so there is no need to round it.
Round it up - to 0.05
You would round it UP - to 0.05
Look at the third decimal place. It is a 5, so it will round up the second decimal to give 0.69 as your answer.
0.45 is in two decimal places, so no further rounding is needed.
It's already showing 1 decimal place. If you wished to round it to a whole number - you would round up to 4.
If you round 1.463884266 to two decimal places... you end up with 1.46
3.1604 will 'round up' to 3.16
round to 0.140 the ending numbers make you round up and if you must have 3 decimal places keep one ending zero
2 decimal places is the second number after the decimal point. So in 13.256 the 5 is the second decimal place. To round, you look at the number to the right of the decimal place you want to round to. So in 13.256 we look at the 6. If a number is greater than or equal to 5 you round up, if the number is less than 5 you round down. So 13.256 rounded to 2 decimal places is 13.26%
2 (if rounded to 2,1 or 0 decimal places).