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Yes - the parts in brackets should be done first. Use BEDMAS as a guide. Brackets - Exponents (eg. x2) - Division - Multiplication - Addition - Subtraction. Although if it is just addition and subtraction you should work from left to right.

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Q: Should you perform operations in parentheses first?
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Parentheses or brackets.

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You ALWAYS do whats in the brackets first! If there are parentheses in the bracket, you do the parentheses in the brackets first GLAD I COULD HELP :)

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The standard order of operations follows the acronym PEMDAS. This is Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. So operations are done on expressions within parentheses first.

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I believe that, in the absence of parentheses, the order of applying operations is as follows (from first to last):1. exponentiation;2. multiplication and division;3. addition and subtraction.I should say I am not 100 % sure this answer is correct.

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