

Best Answer

One quarter can be either positive or negative.

So can any other number.

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Q: Show me the sign of one quarter?
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It really depends... If both parents were pure quarter horses then it will have quarter horse traits. It one parent was trotter/quarter horse, it may show trotting characteristics. In other words if one or both parents were not pure quarter horses, the baby can have characteristics from any species of its parents... probably mostly quarter horse though.

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one forth means one out of four... it means a quarter

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no no no no

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6 and one quarter fifths go into one and a quarter.

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One quarter of 200 is 50. One quarter is one fourth. It is also 25 cents.

How many are there in a quarter of a mile?

There are 2 furlongs in one quarter of a mile.There are 440 yards in one quarter of a mile.There are 1320 feet in one quarter of a mile.There are 15840 inches in one quarter of a mile.

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One quarter

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In American Sign Language (ASL), pointing one finger to the center of the other hand is the sign for "married" or "marriage." It is a way to represent the joining or union of two individuals.