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1 minute of arc is one sixtieth, or about 0.01667, of a degree. The sine of of 0.01667 degrees is about 0.0002909.

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How does an arc second compare to an arc minute and degree?

An arc second is 1/60th of an arc minute and 1/3600th of a degree. This means there are 60 arc seconds in an arc minute, and 3600 arc seconds in a degree.

What is arc time?

there are 60 seconds in one minute. An arc minute is 1/60 degree and an arc second is 1/3600 degree

A nautical mile is 1 minute of a arc?

Yes, one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian is about one nautical mile.

Why inverse sine function also known as arc sine?

Yes, it is called arcsin.

Is a star bigger than 1 minute of arc?

Yes. The sun is 32 arc minutes.

When you enter a sine into your calculator and press the arc sine key you get the answer but how does your calculator convert sine into degrees?

General answer: Math Specific Answer: Taylor Series

How many meters are in one arc minute?

60. the whole scheme of arc measurment, which dates to the Babylonians" time is based on Base 60 sixty seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to a degree. an arc minute is a division of an angle. six minutes of arc-the allowable margin of error on the PYRAMIDS IS one tenth of one degree! This is something easily visualized with a clock or watch dial or compass. meters are distances, not angles.

How do you calculate arc sine?

arc sine is the inverse function of the sine function so if y = sin(x) then x = arcsin(y) where y belongs to [-pi/2, pi/2]. It can be calculated using the Taylor series given in the link below.

How many arc seconds in an arc minute?


60th part of a minute arc?

A second of arc.

How to find the exact value of arc sine and cosine and tangent?

mostly it comes from memorization. If sin 30 = 1/2, then arcsin (1/2) = 30

If a lunar crater has a diameter of 1 minute of arc what is that in kilometers?

The diameter of a lunar crater with 1 minute of arc is roughly 1.6 kilometers. The actual size of lunar craters can vary widely, so this is just an approximate value.