Half a thousandth is written as 0.0005 in decimal form. A thousandth is 0.001, so half of that is 0.0005.
A thousandth is 0.001, so 8 thousandths is 0.008 and 68 thousandths is 0.068
Spelling counts, don't forget the hyphen when spelling numbers: four and sixty-eight hundredths.
decimal form of sixty-three hundredths = 0.63
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths written in decimal form is 0.00068
To write the number sixty three hundredth thousandth in the decimal format it would look like 0.00063. Each zero represents a place tenth, hundredth, thousandth, ten thousandth, then hundredth thousandth.
Nine hundred sixty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 0.968
Sixty-eight and nine thousand four ten-thousandths in decimal form is 68.9004
Sixty-eight hundredths.
seven hundred sixty eight thousand = 768,000 seven hundred sixty eight thousandths = 0.768
8 and 65/100 = 8.65 as a decimal
In decimal form, 1 thousandth is written 0.001
Half a thousandth is written as 0.0005 in decimal form. A thousandth is 0.001, so half of that is 0.0005.
A thousandth is 0.001, so 8 thousandths is 0.008 and 68 thousandths is 0.068