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Q: Small positive or negative change in the value of a mathematical variable or function?
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Will the answer by negative if you are dividing by a negative variable?

If you are dividing a positive by a negative, yes. If you are dividing a negative by a negative, you will get a positive.

Can there be a negative float?

A float variable can store both positive and negative numbers.

If you replace a negative variable with a negative number does the number become positive?


What are the colours of the positive and the negative terminals of the rheostat?

A rheostat is simply a variable resistor used to control current. It does not have a positive or a negative terminal.

What shows the relationship between two variables?

A function expresses the relationship between two or more variables. A function can be expressed as a mathematical equation or as a graph. In general, a function expresses a the effect an independent variable has on the dependent variable..For example, in the classic linear function:y = mx + bx and y are the variables (m is said to be the slope, and b is the constant). This function expresses the mathematical relationship between the variables x and y. In this function, x is said to be the independent variable, and the function destines the y variable to be dependent upon the value of x.

In math x equals?

x is a variable can be any number positive or negative

How does the value of a variable affect the direction the parabola opens?

If the value of the variable is negative then the parabola opens downwards and when the value of variable is positive the parabola opens upward.

How did Kepler decide to use an elliptic shape for his orbits It was the mathematical formula which matched the development of the new invention of the orrery. The ellipse was a mathematical function?

The ellipse is not a mathematical function because all but two values of the independent variable in the domain are mapped to two different points. The relationship is, therefore, one-to-many which means that it is not a function.

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The derivative of cosine of x is simply the negative sine of x. In mathematical terms f'(x) = d/dx[cos(x)] = -sin(x)

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When should you break the vertical axis of a bar graph?

When the horizontal variable goes from positive to negative.

How do you get rid of absolute value in math?

You consider both cases, then the variable is positive and when it is negative. For example, |x|