You need to answer at least 19 questions correctly to score 70% or higher. Answering 18 correct will get you close (69.23%).
If the teacher is not using a curve, 33-7=26 so there are 26 questions right. The percent correct is 26/33 or 78.78787878 percent with the 78 in the decimal recurring, meaning this is a 78.8 or a 79, which is a C or a C+ in many grading systems.
The answer will depend on the total score for the test and whether or not all the questions are score the same.
-- Your score would be 26 percent.-- Your grade is really up to the teacher. But I can't imagine that any teacherwould give you anything better than ' F ', or say that you 'passed' the test, witha score of 26 percent.
40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%
If the teacher is not using a curve, 33-7=26 so there are 26 questions right. The percent correct is 26/33 or 78.78787878 percent with the 78 in the decimal recurring, meaning this is a 78.8 or a 79, which is a C or a C+ in many grading systems.
x/30 = .87 x = 26 questions
Not quite 75%. There are 35 questions on the Technician and General exams, of which 26 must be correct. There are 50 questions on the Amateur Extra exam, of which 37 must be correct.
92.3077% correct percentage.
There is no way to know the questions on your teacher's test.
26 cents
there are usually 26 questions about the manual itself. in addition to that, there are usually 10 road sign questions.