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Q: The change in position from the shaded figure to the unshaded figure is best described as a?
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A change in the size of position of a figure?


What is the change in the position of a figure that gives the mirror image of the figure?

Reflection about the y-axis can do that.

Change in position shape or size of a figure?


Define translation in math?

change of position, shape, or size of figure

What is the change in the position of a figure that moves it up down or sideways?


What is a change in the position shape or size of a geometric figure called?

a transformation

A change of position of a geometric figure is a transformation?

Sounds more like a translation.

Does the name of solid figures change if the figure turned on its side?

No. However, the way in which it is described - in particular, what constitutes its base - may change.

How can we best show or describe the change in position of a figure?

You can show the change in position of a figure by using directional words such as up, down, left, right, forward, and backward. Additionally, you can use distance measurements or grid coordinates to describe the movement accurately. Diagrams or animations can also help to visually demonstrate the change in position effectively.

How do you find the area of a shaded circle and the area of an unshaded circle on that is inside the other circle?

To find the area of the circle pi*radius*squared and subtract the area of the figure inside

What is a star-shaped figure called?

A star shaped figure is described as stellate. Also a hexagram