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Q: The cube root of the square of a real number n is 16. What is the value of n?
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What is the real number root of -25?

There is no real number [square] root of a negative number. There is a real cube root and a real fiftth root etc, but root, by itself, implies square root.

Why is it possible to find a real cube root of a negative number but not a real square root of a negative number?

You cannot get real square root of a negative number because two numbers multiplied by themselves are always positive You can always get a real cube root of a negative number because three negative numbers multiplied by themselves give a negative .

What number lies between a square and a cube?

There are no natural limits to the exponent a number can be raised to, and there are an infinite number of real numbers between "2.0" and 3.0".

Every real number has a unique cube root?

Yes, every real number has a unique cube root.

What can be determined from roots of real numbers?

The short answer is "Nothing". In the complex domain, the number of nth roots of any real number is n. Every non-negative real number has 2 square roots. Every real number has 3 cube roots. Every non-negative real number has 2 real square roots and 2 imaginary ones. and so on. So what?

What is an example of a cubic number?

Every real number is a cubic number: it is the cube of its cube root!

What value is a number's real value?

A complex number has two components: a real component and an imaginary one, and is usually written in the form x+yi where i is the imaginary square root of -1. The real component of such a number is x.

Explain why the roots of a quadratic equation are imaginary if the value of the discriminant is less than 0?

The square of any real number is non-negative. So no real number can have a negative square. Consequently, a negative number cannot have a real square root. If the discriminant is less than zero, the quadratic equation requires the square root of that negative value, which cannot be real and so must be imaginary.

Can a square of real number is a real number?

The square of a real number is always a real number.

Is non-real numbers exist?

no, every number is a real number --- There are numbers that are not real numbers. They are called imaginary numbers, and have the property that when they are squared, the result is negative. The square root of -1 is called i, and the square root of any other negative number is i times the square root of the absolute value of the number. So the square root of -4 is 2i.

How many real cube roots does any positive number have?

there is no cube roots in negative

Real world example of a square prism?

A square box. A special case is a cube or playing die.