The digit 4 in the number 4698 represents four thousand.
The digit 8 represents eight thousands.
It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.
The value of the digit 5 in the number 258610 is 50,000 or five ten thousands.
In the number 960, the digit 9 holds a place value of 90, as it is in the tens place. This means that the digit 9 represents 90 in this number. The value of a digit in a number is determined by its place value within that number.
The digit 9 in the number 89123 represents nine thousands.
The digit 4 in the number 4698 represents four thousand.
The digit 8 represents eight thousands.
It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.
The value of the digit 5 in the number 258610 is 50,000 or five ten thousands.
If the digit in the thousands place is increased by 1, the value of the number is increased by 1,000.
the thousands place ot the number 178632 is 8
the 7 is in the hundred thousands place...
The places are always the same no matter what the digits are. The value is obtained by multiplying the place times the digit. Starting from the right, the places in an 8-digit number are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions and ten millions.
The digit six in the number 10.596 represents six thousandths.
The number in the thousands place in 5391 is 5, representing 5000.