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If its length is l and its width is w and its height is h, its volume is l x w x h. (length times width times hight)

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Q: The formula for findding volume of the cuboid is?
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What is the formula for calculating volume of a cuboid?

the formula for the volume of a cuboid is length x breadth x height

Formula for volume of cuboid?

the formula for the volume of a cuboid is quite simple,it is length multiply by width multiply by height.That's all.

What is the formula to find the volume of a cuboid?

Volume of a cuboid = cross-section area times its length

What Formula to find volume of a cuboid?

Volume = Length * Width * Height

What is the formula l x w x h?

It is the formula for the volume of a cuboid.

The formula length x width x height is used to measure what?

Volume of a cuboid.

How do you work out the Mass Of A Cuboid?

To calculate the mass of a cuboid, you would multiply its volume by the density of the material it is made of (mass = volume x density). The volume of a cuboid can be found by multiplying its length, width, and height. The density of the material can be looked up or measured.

What is the formula for surface area and volume of cuboid?

Volume = Height × Width × Depth Surface area=2(lw+wh+hl)

What is the formula for height of cuboid?

The answer depends on what information you have. One possible answer is height = volume divided by base area.

What is the volume of a cuboid?

If the dimensions of a cuboid are a, b and c, then its volume is a * b * c

What 3 dimensions do you need to find the volume of a rectangular solid object?

The formula for calculating the volume of a cuboid is width x length x height

What is math formula for volume?

There is no single formula for volume. Some simple shapes, such as a cuboid, sphere, cone, pyramid, prism have relatively simple, but different formulae. Other shapes have more complicated formulae.