If its length is l and its width is w and its height is h, its volume is l x w x h. (length times width times hight)
A cube is L x W x H where L=W=H. A km3 has L, W and H of 1 km. Each km is 1000 meters and each meter is 100 centimeters. Therefore 1 km is 1000 x 100 cm or 100,000 cm. This is L and W and H. L x W x H = 100,000 x 100,000 x 100,000 L x W x H = 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3 1 km3 = 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3 1 km3 = 1 x 1015 cm3
The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula volume of rectangular prism = length x width x height If the length is l, the width is w and the height is h the volume is given by volume = lwh
It is NOT a formula , but an equation. V(cube) = l x w x h Algebraically written as V = lwh Where V = Volume l = length w = width h = height.
volume equals V=[L]x[W]x[H]
To solve for H in the equation A = L x W x H, you need to isolate H on one side of the equation. To do this, divide both sides of the equation by (L x W) to solve for H. The formula for solving for H would be H = A / (L x W). This formula allows you to calculate the height (H) when given the area (A), length (L), and width (W) of a rectangular object.
The volume V of a rectangular prism is length L x width W x height H V = L x W x H
V= l x w x h
V = l x w x h l - length w - width h - height
The formula for a rectangular solid is to multiply the measurements of Length(L), Width(W) and Height(H). Ex: L x W x H = Volume
If its length is l and its width is w and its height is h, its volume is l x w x h. (length times width times hight)
If you mean for the volume it is L x W x H where L = Length, H = Height, W = Width. As you are referring to a cube all dimensions would have the same value
If you multiply L x W x H for a rectangular block if L, W, and H are in inches, you get a volume, in cubic inches, or in3.
No can be. l x w x h gives a volume, not an area...
2 x ((L x W) + (L x H) + (H x W))
A cube is L x W x H where L=W=H. A km3 has L, W and H of 1 km. Each km is 1000 meters and each meter is 100 centimeters. Therefore 1 km is 1000 x 100 cm or 100,000 cm. This is L and W and H. L x W x H = 100,000 x 100,000 x 100,000 L x W x H = 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3 1 km3 = 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3 1 km3 = 1 x 1015 cm3
volume=length times the width times the height or V=L x W x H