the denominator
The bottom number. The number under or after the fraction bar.
The numerator is the top number in the fraction and the bottom number is called the denominator.
There is no vertical bar in a fraction. A fraction is written with either a horizontal bar or a slanted bar, which is technically called a "vinculum", but most people call it a "fraction bar".
The number below the fraction bar in a fraction is the denominator. The number above the fraction bar is the numerator.
The denominator
the denominator
The number below the fraction is called the denominator.
The denominator in the unsimplified fraction.
Only if the fraction has not been simplified.
You have to divide the numerator (the number above the fraction bar) by the denominator (the number below thefraction bar) to get a fraction to a decimal.
Example: five eighths divided by two Treat the whole number as a number divided by one Bracket the fraction above the fraction bar and the number below the bar. So: (5/8) / (2/1) Now invert the bottom line and multiply with the top line: 5/8 * 1/2 and multiply out: = 5 / 16
It is the denominator.