divide 52,562 by 59,874 and carry three decimal places
No. One counter example : 1.5 ÷ 0.378 = 4 1.5 has 1 dp, 0.378 has 3 dp and the quotient is a whole number.
If you are making use of long division method, the process of dividing a whole number is actually a subset of the process of dividing the decimals. While dividing both you may get a quotient with decimal places. Some exceptions to this do exist in case of whole numbers. Like when you are dividing 100 by 2, the quotient 50 has no decimal places.
One decimal place. 3.9 is the quotient.
For when you get more than 2 decimal places or recurring decimal places.
For when you get more than 2 decimal places or recurring decimal places.
pi is the quotient obtained by the dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter. It is not a rational number and so cannot be expressed as a fraction or a terminating decimal. You can not give the exact value of pi as a decimal no matter how many places you use.
divide 52,562 by 59,874 and carry three decimal places
To convert eight thirds to a decimal, you divide 8 by 3. The result is 2.666666... (repeating). Rounded to three decimal places, eight thirds is approximately 2.667 as a decimal.