An abbreviation for three hundred thousand dollars is 300K.
In financial notation, "2.5k" represents 2,500 dollars. The "k" in this context stands for "thousand," so when you see "2.5k," it means 2.5 thousand dollars. This shorthand is commonly used in informal or abbreviated financial discussions or notations.
To write one hundred eighty thousand dollars in words, you would write it as "180,000 dollars." This is the standard way to represent this amount in written form, following the numerical value with the word "dollars" to specify the currency.
Ten percent of 130 thousand dollars is 13 thousand dollars.
In financial terms, 99K represents $99,000. The "K" in this context stands for thousand. Therefore, when you see 99K, it means 99 thousand dollars.
An abbreviation for three hundred thousand dollars is 300K.
M = a thousand dollars MM = a million dollars (a thousand thousands)
A Grand
3 G's
Grand. g
$16,000. (Sixteen thousand dollars) "K" after a number is an abbreviation for thousand.
K is the abbreviation for the prefix Kilo, meaning thousand. 55k would then mean 55 thousand, or 55,000 dollars, if applied to money.
K can be an abbreviation for thousand. 200k means 200,000 dollars.
The standard form is $700,000.00