Oh, dude, a heptagon has seven sides, so things shaped like a heptagon would also have seven sides. You might find heptagon-shaped signs, stop signs, and maybe even some fancy tables if you're lucky. But hey, who's really counting sides anyway, right?
coat hangers
The roof of a house,
A door Box Table
Any 9 sided shape
A seven sided figure.
As far as I ah aware, they are not at all common. Drinks coasters are about the only things that I can think of.
A seven sided shape.
yes there is the JOINN's Planned Heptagon Faculty.
A seven sided polygon
None, because there is no such shape. The word could be a hexagon or a heptagon, or maybe you meant something else entirely. Please check and correct your spelling and resubmit.
A stop sign is shaped like a hexagon
A seven sided polygon in called a heptagon.
a heptagon has 7 sides
I like to see heptagons. I am a heptagon. i will heptagon to your house. i hope this helped :)
A Heptagon is a 7-Sided object
i think that there are no such things as mountain shaped tornadoes.