coat hangers
The roof of a house,
anything that has 7 sides
I think you mean parallelogram. Parallelogram look like a rectangle but it looks slanted rectangle. __________________ /_________________/ ^^that is parallelogram ^^
Any 9 sided shape
A rectangle is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram is not necessarily a rectangle. This is because a parallelogram can be so many other things, like a rhombus or a square.
A stop sign is shaped like a hexagon
i think that there are no such things as mountain shaped tornadoes.
A diamond, or mathematically correct a parallelogram or tilted square. You may also be thinking of a trapezoid.
There are a great many things in the world that can be shaped like a hexagon. Stop signs can for example.
Pentagon Parallelogram Pie-shaped Polygon Pyramid
Pentagon Parallelogram Pie-shaped Polygon Pyramid
Some roleplaying game die and puzzles such as the Rubik's Cube are shaped like tetrahedrons.
Some things that are shaped like pyramids include the pyramids of Egypt, pyramidal structures in architecture, some mountains and hills, and certain crystals and geometric shapes.