A score is twenty. Two hundred three score is 260.
It is: 1260 days because threescore days are 60 days.
Threescore is 60 score = 20 x 3 = 60 60 and 2 62 years
It is: 160 years
A score is twenty. Two hundred three score is 260.
Threescore is 60 years old. In biblical terms, threescore is a reference to 60 years.
It is: 1260 days because threescore days are 60 days.
Threescore is 60 score = 20 x 3 = 60 60 and 2 62 years
One score is 20 units (could be hours, days or years), thus threescore years is 60 years.
30 years
There is no such thing as "hundren theescore." If perhaps you mean "one hundred threescore," it means one hundred and sixty. A score is 20.
The term "threescore" literally means three times 20 (which is a "score" in old English). So it actually means 1260 days. This means it is 3 1/2 years of 360 days (or a prophetic year) for each year.
Answer:Threescore and ten means "seventy." A "score" equals "twenty." Three twenties equals "sixty" - plus "ten": "seventy."
Yes, in the Bible, "four score" refers to the number 80. In Psalm 90:10, it says, "The days of our years are threescore years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow." This verse implies that a person's life span is typically 70 years, and if they are strong, they may live to be 80, reflecting on the brevity and toil of life.
It is: 160 years