Eleven ... ELEVEN - EL = EVEN
The English alphabet has 26 letters the prime factors of 26 are 2 and 13. Clearly you CANNOT divide 26 into 4 equal groups (unless you either omit 2 letters or add a couple).
Add to these successions of numbers the number that logically follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
You add 2 - 1.65 = 0.35You add 2 - 1.65 = 0.35You add 2 - 1.65 = 0.35You add 2 - 1.65 = 0.35
u will have 2 left over
Sixty... when u take 2 letters away you are left with 'six'
Small of course !
it is false
Its the same except after letter "N" there are 2 extra letters which are N(add "ye" after N) and Ng.
--chid = ORchid
You start with -6you add (+)-10then take away (-)-2what do you get?Adding a negative is subtracting, and subtracting (taking away) a negative is adding. (-6) + (-10) - (-2) = ?-6 - 10 + 2 = -14 ◄
King Herod -1 = Hero -2 = Her -3 = He