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Q: True or false A priori arguments are based on reason alone and not data obtained from experience?
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What does it mean for a claim to be a posteriori?

A priori claims are those you can know independent of experience. ... Whereas a priori claims seem to be justified based on pure thought or reason, a posteriori claims are justified based on experience. We can only know a posteriori claims after experience. Here are some a posteriori claims: The triangle is blue.

Who was the philosopher who developed principles known prior to experience or principles of reason?

Parmenides Principles like those Parmenides assumed are said in contemporary jargon tobe a priori principles, or principles of reason, which just means that they areknown prior to experience

Can thinking and learning be the same thing?

This is quite a deep philosophical question! The answer may well be subjective but I would suggest that they can be.In philosophy there are two types of knowledge known as "a priori" & "a posteriori".A priori knowledge is independent of experience. That is to say that it can be determined by pure reason (i.e. thinking) alone. An example might be: If I told you that A was bigger than B and that B was bigger than C, you could reason that A was therefore bigger than C.A posteriori knowledge can not be known purely by rational thought. It requires experience/empirical evidence to test its truth. For example: If I told you that I was taller than you, we could not determine the truth of this statement purely by thought alone; we would need to measure our heights.The above examples may not be the best that could be given but hopefully they show the difference. It should be up to you to determine if you agree completely with this. If you do then the answer to your question is that we can learn a priori knowledge purely by thinking.

What are the five ways of reason?

The five ways of reason are the arguments of motion, causes, possibility, degress of perfection, and governance. These arguments were made by St. Thomas Aquanis which proposed that the existence of God can be demonstrated through reason.

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Many remarks use logical arguments to appeal to reason. One such remark might be how studying hard in school will lead to a good career.

What is rationalistic moral philosophy?

Moral rationalism which is also known as ethical rationalism is a view in meta ethics, according to which moral truths are knowable a priori,by reason alone.

What are the differences between empiricism and rationalism?

Empiricism is the belief that knowledge is derived from sensory experience, while rationalism is the belief that true knowledge is gained through reason and logic. Empiricists emphasize the importance of observation and experimentation, while rationalists prioritize innate ideas and a priori reasoning.

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Arguments over who owns a certain amount

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The reason for gaming is whatever the individual wants it to be. For me the reason is to escape and experience. For others the reason is to socialize.

Do these arguments appeal to Macbeth's reason?

It depends on the specific arguments being made and how they align with Macbeth's values, beliefs, and goals. Macbeth is known to be influenced by his ambition, emotions, and the supernatural, so appeals to these aspects may be more effective than purely logical arguments.

Why do people experience love?

God is the reason why we experience true love. Satan is the reason why we experience lust. Now, how did God let us experience love? God created a hypothalamus in our brain. It is the part of the brain that is responsible for our emotions.

What Arguments did brutus make to kill Caesar?

One main reason was to prevent Caesar from becoming a king or a dictator.