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As an equation: 8x = 64

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Q: Turn the verbal phrase one number is eight times another number into an equation?
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Example of mathematical phrase to verbal phrase?

what is the mathematical phrase for the verbal phrase the sum of a number and three

What is the verbal equation for a number decreased by four is -12?

You just wrote the verbal equation. Do you mean the algebraic equation? X - 4 = - 12 ---------------

What is another phrase for body language?

Non Verbal Communication. Non Verbal Behaviour.

What is a verbal phrase for one half multiplied by a number?

number divided by two or half of number

How do you change a verbal phrase to a algebraic expression?

the sum of a number and three

What is verbal phrases use in elementary algebra?

verbal phrase is known as an expression.An expression can be defined as a sentence that has no number,an operation,and a letter in it. :))

What is a verbal equation?

Well, it depends on what type of equation you have...... Say its something like this: n - 3 ....and you were asked to write a verbal expression, it could be one of many: a number minus three or three subtracted from a number....and so on. They are basically just word/sentence forms of the equation itself.

Which expression represents the verbal phrase the sum of there times a number and five?

" 3x + 5 " does.

What are verbal phrase's?

Verbal phrases are synonyms for verbs

A simple sentence containing a verbal phrase?

Verbal phrase is a verbal with all its modifiers, but short of a subject. For example, in a sentence, "PLAYING TENNIS is a hobby among youth", 'playing tennis' is a verbal phrase.

What is a verbal phrase as an expression?

it is a phrase that contains a verb

What is the difference between a verbal model and a algebraic model?

The differnce between a verbal model and a algebraic model is that a verbal model is an equation written in words and a algebraic model is solving the equation from the verbal model.