An alternative word which can be used to refer to 20 is one score.
A dozen is twelve. A score is twenty. 12 to 20=6/10=3/5
12 apples
A dozen is twelve, half a dozen is 6.
A dozen is twelve, so twelve dozens is 144.
A dozen consists of twelve items in a set. However, if we compile twelve dozens of anything we will get 1 gross. Therefore, twelve dozen is equal to 1 gross.
dont no
"Dozen" means twelve.
If twelve is the same as a dozen, then twenty would be the same as score.
A dozen is twelve. A score is twenty. 12 to 20=6/10=3/5
A dozen is twelve, so twelve dozen equals twelve times twelve.
A gross is a dozen dozen. A dozen is twelve. So multiply twelve by twelve to get a gross, then multiply the gross by twelve again.
A dozen dozen is twelve dozen or twelve twelves or 144. This is also known as a gross.
Four score is a number. A score is twenty, as a dozen is twelve. Four score is 80.
Dubble dozen Twelve dozen, or 144, is a Gross
A dozen is twelve. There are 12 donuts in a dozen donuts. ^ unless its a bakers dozen.. then its 13.
gross. In mathematics, a dozen is equal to 12, so one dozen is 12. Similarly, a gross is equal to 144, so one gross is 144. Therefore, the analogy "One is to dozen as dozen is to gross" means that the relationship between the numbers is based on a factor of 12.
The sum of a dozen is twelve.