No, he was Greek, from the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea.
That Pythagoras was the son of Mnesarchus, may be safely affirmed on the authority ofHerodotus; that Samos, the Greek island in the eastern Aegean, was his birth-place, is affirmed by Isocrates.[7] His father was a Phoenician merchant from Tyre, his mother, Pythais, was apparently a native of Samos.
what qualificationa do pythagoras have.
Pythagoras was Greek.
Pythagoras drowned him.
Yes, Pythagoras is a mathematician.
That Pythagoras was the son of Mnesarchus, may be safely affirmed on the authority ofHerodotus; that Samos, the Greek island in the eastern Aegean, was his birth-place, is affirmed by Isocrates.[7] His father was a Phoenician merchant from Tyre, his mother, Pythais, was apparently a native of Samos.
Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.Carthage was founded by Phoenician traders.
The Phoenician alphabet {on wikipedia}
The Phoenician alphabet began in the Phoenician city-states located in Lebanon, about 1200 BCE.
Pythagoras was called "Pythagoras of Samos" because he was born in Samos.
The Phoenician civilisation.
Pythagoras of Samos
The Phoenician people in the 9th Century BCE.
On the back of your dollar they have the Phoenician words.
The Latin adjective for Phoenician is "Poenicus."
The Phoenician word for sea is "yam"