You can do this by taking the 9-digit complement of the number 100000, adding it to the number 164502423, removing the leftmost digit from the result, and adding it to the number: 164502423 -100000 take the complement and add it: 164502423 +999899999 = 1164402422 remove the leftmost digit and add it to the rightmost one: 164402422 + 1 = 164402423 and there you have it.
100000 + 20% = 100000 + (20/100)(100000) = 100000 + (.2)(100000) = 100000 + 20000 = 120,000
one fifth of 100000 = 1/5 x 100000= 100000 ÷ 5= 50000
2% of 100,000= 2% * 100000= 0.02 * 100000= 2,000
You can do this by taking the 9-digit complement of the number 100000, adding it to the number 164502423, removing the leftmost digit from the result, and adding it to the number: 164502423 -100000 take the complement and add it: 164502423 +999899999 = 1164402422 remove the leftmost digit and add it to the rightmost one: 164402422 + 1 = 164402423 and there you have it.
164502423 - 100000 = 164402423. You seem to be unaware of the fact that you could have obtained the answer much more easily and quickly by using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.
164,502,423 - 1,000,000 = 163,502,423
164,502,423 minus 100 is 164,502,323.
It is: 164,520,423 minus 100,000 equals 164,420,423
100000 + 20% = 100000 + (20/100)(100000) = 100000 + (.2)(100000) = 100000 + 20000 = 120,000
3% of 100000 = 3000 3% of 100000 = 3% * 100000 = 3%/100% * 100000 = 0.03 * 100000 = 3000
one fifth of 100000 = 1/5 x 100000= 100000 ÷ 5= 50000
127891 rounded to the nearest 100000 is 100000.