1 x 289, 17 x 17
17 and 17, if you multiply them.
The prime factors of 289 are 17 and 17 (i.e. 289 = 17*17).
1 x 289 = 289
You can multiply any numbers together.
1 x 289, 17 x 17
17 and 17, if you multiply them.
The prime factors of 289 are 17 and 17 (i.e. 289 = 17*17).
There are infinitely many possible answers. Among these: 0.01*28900 0.1*2890 1*289 10*28.9 or 0.02*14450 0.2*1445 2*144.5 20*14.45 and so on.
1 x 289, 17 x 17, 289 x 1
1 x 289 = 289
1, 17 and 289.
You can multiply any numbers together.
When you multiply 2 negative numbers the answer will be positive, ALWAYS
1 and 36 289 and 324