1, 17 and 289.
1 x 289, 17 x 17
1 x 289 = 289
1 and 36 289 and 324
289 = 17 x 17
17*17 = 289
The prime number (factor) of 289 is: 17
1, 17, 289.
289 - 256 = 33
Half of 289 is 144.5. To find half of a number, you divide it by 2. In this case, 289 divided by 2 equals 144.5. This is because half of a number is essentially dividing it into two equal parts.
There is no solution. For two numbers to add to an odd total, one of them must be even. If that number is also a prime it must be 2. But if one of the numbers is 2 and the two sum to 289, the other must be 287. But 287 is not a prime and the question required two primes to be added.