HCF of 17 and 68 is 17 ..( Lowest Prime factor ) LCM Of 102 and 476 is 7*2^2*3*17 which is 1428 .. ==> Sum of HCF and LCM are 1428+17= 1445 .
HCF of 20 means the two numbers have common prime factors of 2, 2 and 5. However, LCM of 535 means that both of the numbers are odd. This cannot be the case if they have a prime factor of 2. Thus two numbers cannot have 20 as hcf and 535 as lcm.
The answer is 4 and 10.
Since the product of two numbers is equal to the product of their GCF and LCM, the GCF of two numbers is equal to their product divided by their LCM and their LCM is equal to their product divided by their GCF.
4 and 6
You cannot. The numbers 2 and 12 have hcf = 2 and LCM = 12 The numbers 4 and 6 also have hcf = 2 and LCM = 12 So if you just knew the hcf and LCM you would not know which of the two was the required pair.
HCF of 17 and 68 is 17 ..( Lowest Prime factor ) LCM Of 102 and 476 is 7*2^2*3*17 which is 1428 .. ==> Sum of HCF and LCM are 1428+17= 1445 .
2 and 12
LCM = product/HCF; the HCF of 27 and 45 is 9 so LCM is 27 x 45/9 ie 135.LCM is the smallest multiple of 2 numbers and can be found by factoring both numbers and multiplying the prime factors having the highest powers.Prime factors of 27 are 33Prime factors of 45 are 32 x 5LCM of 27 and 45 is 33x 5 = 135
2 and 20
2 and 12
2 and 20 have an HCF of 2 and an LCM of 20. You could also use 4 and 10.
HCF of 20 means the two numbers have common prime factors of 2, 2 and 5. However, LCM of 535 means that both of the numbers are odd. This cannot be the case if they have a prime factor of 2. Thus two numbers cannot have 20 as hcf and 535 as lcm.
6 and 10 2x3=6 2x5=10 HCF=2 LCM=30
2 and 12
3 and 30.
The answer is 4 and 10.