There are 31,540,000,000,000,000 (31 quadrillion, 540 trillion) seconds in 1 billion years.
1% of 3.1 trillion= 1% * 3100000000000= 0.01 * 3100000000000= 31,000,000,000 (31 billion)
31% of 1.4 trillion= 31% * 1.4= 0.31 * 1.4= 0.434 trillion
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the USA increased from around $9.2 trillion in 1999 to approximately $13.4 trillion in 2006. This growth reflects the expansion of the US economy during that period.
If that is a 10 with 42 trailing zeros it should be: 10 million trillion trillion trillionths In the U.S. 1 trillion has 12 zeros. So when you do the math: 42 (zeros)/12= 3.5 trillions. so you see here you have 3 trillions. take the .5 trillions that equals 6 zeros since 1 trillion has 12 zeros. 6 zeros is 1 million. put them together. 10 million trillion trillion trillion. Credit goes to Steven Hawking :)
Check your math and your billion divided by 31,536000 = 31.7 years, not 31 thousand years. It is actually 31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes and 40 seconds 1 Billion seconds equal 1 billion divided by the number of seconds in a year (31,536,000) equals 31,709.79 years. So just about 32 thousand years
31 billion is larger 6 billion 227 million 20 thousand 800 is much smaller than 31 billion or 31,000,000,000 vs 6,227,020,800
For the short scale billion (1 x 109), one billion seconds is more than 31 years (31.68 years, or 31 years, 251 days).1,000,000,000 divided by 31,557,600 seconds per year (calculator) = 31.6881 years1,000,000,000 divided by 31,556,926 seconds per year (SI) = 31.6887 years