31 is prime
31 divided 200 = 0.155
The remainder is always 31 or less.
31 is a prime number so it can only be divided by 1 and 31.
X/31 where X is the number
31 is prime
Yes, 31 can only divided by 1 and 31. So it is a prime number
To work it out for yourself, you need to understand that a prime number is a number than can only be divided by 1 and itself. 18 can be divided by 2 39 can be divided by 3 42 can be divided by 2 which leaves 31 which can only be divided by 1 and 31.
23. If the remainder when a number n is divided by m is r, then it is written as n ≡ r MOD m (read as "n is equivalent to r modulo m") and n = mk + r for some integer k. if n ≡ 643 MOD 837, then n = 837k + 643 (for some k) When n is divided by 31: n ÷ 31 = (837k + 643) ÷ 31 = 837k ÷ 31 + 643 ÷ 31 = 27k + 20 + 23/31 Multiplying both sides by 31: → n = 31 x (27k + 20) + 31 x 23/31 = 31m + 23 (where m = 27k + 20) → n ≡ 23 MOD 31 Thus the remainder when the same number is divided by 31 is 23.
The number 31 can go into the number 155 a total of 5 times.
16 and 31
Yes, such as...93 divided by 3= 31, 21 divided by three is 7, and 45 divided by 15= 3