VIN number refers specifically to an automobile or motor vehicle. It stands for "Vehicle identification number" and each number or letter has a specific meaning. Serial numbers are used on other types of products, and each number may or may not have a specific meaning.
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Oh, dude, it really depends on how fast you're going. If you're walking at a leisurely pace, it might take you a couple hours. But if you're driving like a maniac, you could probably do it in like 15 minutes. Just remember, speed limits are a thing for a reason, so maybe don't channel your inner Vin Diesel on the road.
COMMUNICATIONP0600 PCM Failure SPI CommunicationsP0601 PCM Internal Controller FailureP1685 Wrong or Invalid Key Message Received From SkimP1686 No Skim Bus Message ReceivedP1687 No Cluster Bus MessageP1693 DTC Detected In Companion ModuleP1695 No CCD/J1850 Message From Body Control ModuleP1696 PCM Failure Eeprom Write DeniedP1697 PCM Failure SRI Mile Not StoredP1698 No Bus Message From TCMCHARGINGP0516 Battery Temperature Sensor LowP0517 Battery Temperature Sensor HighP0562 Battery Voltage LowP0563 Battery Voltage HighP0622 Generator Field Not Switching ProperlyP1492 Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Too HighP1493 Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Too LowP1594 Charging System Voltage Too HighP1682 Charging System Voltage Too LowP2503 Charging System Voltage LowDRIVABILITY (Gas Engine)P0016 Crankshaft/Camshaft Timing MisalignmentP0031 O2 Sensor 1/1 Heater Circuit LowP0032 O2 Sensor 1/1 Heater Circuit HighP0037 O2 Sensor 1/2 Heater Circuit LowP0038 O2 Sensor 1/2 Heater Circuit HighP0051 O2 Sensor 2/1 Heater Circuit LowP0052 O2 Sensor 2/1 Heater Circuit HighP0057 O2 Sensor 2/2 Heater Circuit LowP0058 O2 Sensor 2/2 Heater Circuit HighP0068 MAP Sensor/TP Sensor Correlation Vacuum Leak DetectedP0071 Ambient/Battery Temp Sensor PerformanceP0072 Ambient Temperature Sensor Circuit LowP0073 Ambient Temperature Sensor Circuit HighP0106 Barometric Pressure OUT of RANGEP0107 MAP Sensor Voltage Too LowP0108 MAP Sensor Voltage Too HighP0111 Intake Air Temp Sensor PerformanceP0112 Intake Air Temp Sensor Voltage Too LowP0113 Intake Air Temp Sensor Voltage Too HighP0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit PerformanceP0117 Engine Coolant Temp Sensor Voltage Too LowP0118 Engine Coolant Temp Sensor Voltage Too HighP0121 TP Sensor Voltage Does Not Agree with MAPP0122 Throttle Position Sensor #1 Voltage LowP0123 Throttle Position Sensor #1 Voltage HighP0125 Closed Loop Temp Not ReachedP0128 Thermostat RationalityP0129 Barometric Pressure Out of RangeP0131 O2 Sensor 1/1 Circuit Voltage LowP0132 O2 Sensor 1/1 Circuit Voltage HighP0133 O2 Sensor 1/1 Slow ResponseP0134 O2 Sensor 1/1 Stays at CenterP0135 O2 Sensor 1/1 Heater FailureP0136 O2 Sensor 1/2 Heater Circuit MalfunctionP0137 O2 Sensor 1/2 Circuit Voltage LowP0138 O2 Sensor 1/2 Circuit Voltage HighP0139 O2 Sensor 1/2 Slow ResponseP0140 O2 Sensor 1/2 Stays at CenterP0141 O2 Sensor 1/2 Heater FailureP0151 2/1 O2 Sensor Shorted to GroundP0152 2/1 O2 Sensor Shorted to VoltageP0153 2/1 O2 Sensor Slow ResponseP0154 2/1 02 Sensor Stays at CenterP0155 2/1 O2 Sensor Heater FailureP0157 2/2 O2 Sensor Shorted to GroundP0158 2/2 O2 Sensor Shorted to VoltageP0159 2/2 O2 Sensor Slow ResponseP0160 2/2 O2 Sensor Stays at CenterP0161 2/2 O2 Sensor Heater FailureP0171 1/1 Fuel System LeanP0172 1/1 Fuel System RichP0174 2/1 Fuel System LeanP0175 2/1 Fuel System RichP0182 Fuel Temperature Sensor Voltage Too LowP0183 Fuel Temperature Sensor Voltage Too HighP0201 Injector #1 Control CircuitP0202 Injector #2 Control CircuitP0203 Injector #3 Control CircuitP0204 Injector #4 Control CircuitP0205 Injector #5 Control CircuitP0206 Injector #6 Control CircuitP0207 Injector #7 Control CircuitP0208 Injector #8 Control CircuitP0209 Injector #9 Control CircuitP0210 Injector #10 Control CircuitP0221 Throttle Position Sensor #2 PerformanceP0300 Multiple Cylinder MisfireP0301 Cylinder #1 MisfireP0302 Cylinder #2 MisfireP0303 Cylinder #3 MisfireP0304 Cylinder #4 MisfireP0305 Cylinder #5 MisfireP0306 Cylinder #6 MisfireP0307 Cylinder #7 MisfireP0308 Cylinder #8 MisfireP0309 Cylinder #9 MisfireP0310 Cylinder #10 MisfireP0315 No Crank Sensor LearnedP0320 No Crank Reference Signal at PCMP0325 Knock Sensor #1 CircuitP0330 Knock Sensor #2 CircuitP0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor CircuitP0339 Crankshaft Position Sensor IntermittentP0340 No Cam Reference Signal at PCMP0344 Camshaft Position Sensor IntermittentP0351 Ignition Coil # 1 Primary CircuitP0352 Ignition Coil #2 Primary CircuitP0353 Ignition Coil #3 Primary CircuitP0354 Ignition Coil #4 Primary CircuitP0355 Ignition Coil #5 Primary CircuitP0356 Ignition Coil #6 Primary CircuitP0357 Ignition Coil #7 Primary CircuitP0358 Ignition Coil #8 Primary CircuitP0401 EGR System FailureP0403 EGR Solenoid CircuitP0404 EGR Position Sensor RationalityP0405 EGR Position Sensor Volts Too LowP0406 EGR Position Sensor Volts Too HighP0420 1/1 Catalytic Converter EfficiencyP0432 2/1 Catalytic Converter EfficiencyP0440 General Evap System FailureP0441 Evap Purge Flow MonitorP0442 Evap Leak Monitor Medium (0.040) Leak DetectedP0443 Evap Purge Solenoid CircuitP0452 NVLD Pressure Switch Sense Circuit LowP0453 NVLD Pressure Switch Sense Circuit HighP0455 Evap Leak Monitor Large Leak DetectedP0456 Evap Leak Monitor Small (.020) Leak DetectedP0460 Fuel Level Unit No Change Over MilesP0461 Fuel Level Unit No Change Over TimeP0462 Fuel Level Sending Unit Voltage Too LowP0463 Fuel Level Sending Unit Voltage Too HighP0480 Cooling Fan 1 Control CircuitP0481 Cooling Fan 2 Control CircuitP0498 NVLD Canister Vent Valve Solenoid Circuit LowP0499 NVLD Canister Vent Valve Solenoid Circuit HighP0500 No Vehicle Speed Signal CircuitP0501 Vehicle Speed Sensor #1 PerformanceP0505 Idle Air Control Motor CircuitsP0506 Idle Speed Low PerformanceP0507 Idle Speed High PerformanceP0508 IAC Valve Sense Circuit LowP0509 IAC Valve Sense Circuit HighP0513 Invalid Skim KeyP0516 Battery Temperature Sensor LowP0517 Battery Temperature Sensor HighP0522 Pressure Sensor LowP0523 Oil Pressure Circuit HighP0532 A/C Pressure Sensor LowP0533 A/C Pressure Sensor HighP0551 Power Steering Switch FailureP0562 Battery Voltage LowP0563 Battery Voltage HighP0572 Brake Switch #1 Circuit LowP0573 Brake Switch #1 Circuit HighP0580 Speed Control Switch #1 LowP0581 Speed Control Switch #1 HighP0582 Speed Control Vacuum Solenoid CircuitP0586 Speed Control Vent Solenoid CircuitP0594 Speed Control Servo Power CircuitP0600 PCM Failure SPI CommunicationsP0601 PCM Internal Controller FailureP0622 Generator Field Not Switching ProperlyP0627 Fuel Pump Relay CircuitP0630 VIN Not Programmed in PCMP0632 Odometer Not Programmed in PCMP0633 Skim Key Not Programmed in PCMP0645 A/C Clutch Relay CircuitP0660 Manifold Tune Valve Solenoid CircuitP0685 ASD Relay Control CircuitP0688 ASD Relay Sense Circuit LowP0700 EATX Controller DTC PresentP0703 Brake Switch Sense CircuitP0850 Park/Neutral Switch PerformanceP1115 General Temp Sensor PerformanceP1192 Inlet Air Temp Sensor Voltage LowP1193 Inlet Air Temp Sensor Voltage HighP1195 O2 Sensor 1/1 Slow During Catalyst MonitorP1196 O2 Sensor 2/1 Slow During Catalyst MonitorP1281 Engine is Cold Too LongP1282 Fuel Pump/System Relay Control CircuitP1289 Manifold Tune Valve Control Circuit (6 Cylinder)P1290 High Pressure Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid Relay CircuitP1292 Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage Too HighP1293 Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage Too LowP1294 Target Idle Not ReachedP1296 No 5-Volts to MAP SensorP1297 No Change in MAP From Start to RunP1299 Vacuum Leak FoundP1388 ASD Relay Control CircuitP1389 No ASD Relay Ouput Voltage at PCMP1390 Timing Belt Skipped 1 Tooth or MoreP1391 Intermittent Loss of CMP or CKPP1398 Misfire Adaptive Numerator at LimitP1486 Evap Leak Monitor Pinched Hose FoundP1489 High Speed Fan Control Relay CircuitP1490 Low Speed Fan Control Relay CircuitP1491 Cooling Fan Relay Control CircuitP1492 Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Too HighP1493 Battery Temperature Sensor Voltage Too LowP1494 Leak Detection Pump Switch or Mechanical FaultP1495 Leak Detection Pump Solenoid CircuitP1496 5 Volt Supply, Ouput Too LowP1593 Speed Control Switch StuckP1594 Charging System Voltage Too HighP1595 Speed Control Solenoid CircuitsP1594 Charging System Voltage Too HighP1596 Speed Control Switch Always HighP1597 Speed Control Switch Always LowP1598 A/C Pressure Sensor Volts Too HighP1599 A/C Pressure Sensor Volts Too LowP1602 PCM Not ProgrammedP1603 PCM Internal Dual-Port Ram CommunicationP1604 PCM Internal Dual-Port Ram Read/Write Integrity FailureP1607 PCM Internal Shutdown Timer RationalityP1682 Charging System Voltage Too LowP1683 Speed Control Driver CircuitP1685 Wrong or Invalid Key Message Received From SkimP1686 No Skim Bus Message ReceivedP1687 No Cluster Bus MessageP1695 No CCD/J1850 Message From Body Control ModuleP1696 PCM Failure Eeprom Write DeniedP1697 PCM Failure SRI Mile Not StoredP1698 No Bus Message From TCMP1861 Siphon Line DisconnectedP2008 Short Runner Solenoid CircuitP2066 Fuel Level Sensor #2 PerformanceP2067 Fuel Level Sensor #2 LowP2068 Fuel Level Sensor #2 HighP2074 Manifold Pressure/Throttle Position Correlation - High Flow/Vacuum LeakP2096 Down Stream Fuel System 1/2 LeanP2097 Down Stream Fuel System 1/2 RichP2135 TPS #1 AND #2 Voltage CorrelationP2302 Ignition Coil #1 Secondary Circuit- Insufficient IonizationP2305 Ignition Coil #2 Secondary Circuit- Insufficient IonizationP2308 Ignition Coil #3 Secondary Circuit- Insufficient IonizationP2311 Ignition Coil #4 Secondary Circuit- Insufficient IonizationP2314 Ignition Coil #5 Secondary Circuit- Insufficient IonizationP2317 Ignition Coil #6 Secondary Circuit- Insufficient IonizationP2503 Charging System Voltage LowDRIVABILITY (Diesel Engine)P0016 Engine Speed Signal MismatchP0071 Inlet Air Temp Sensor RationalityP0072 Inlet Air Temp Sensor Voltage Too LowP0073 Inlet Air Temp Sensor Voltage Too HighP0088 Fuel Rail Pressure Signal is Above Max LimitP0106 Inlet Air Pressure Sensor RationalityP0107 Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Voltage Too LowP0108 Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Voltage Too HighP0111 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor RationalityP0112 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Voltage Too LowP0113 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Voltage Too HighP0116 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor RationalityP0117 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Voltage Too LowP0118 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Voltage Too HighP0128 Thermostat RationalityP0148 High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) ChecksumP0169 Water in Fuel (WIF) Light On Too LongP0192 Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage Too LowP0193 Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage Too HighP0201 Injector #1 Control CircuitP0202 Injector #2 Control CircuitP0203 Injector #3 Control CircuitP0204 Injector #4 Control CircuitP0205 Injector #5 Control CircuitP0206 Injector #6 Control CircuitP0217 Decreased Engine Performance - Engine Overheat ConditionP0219 Crankshaft Position Sensor Over Speed SignalP0234 Turbo Boost Limit ExceededP0236 MAP Sensor Too High Too LongP0237 MAP Sensor Voltage Too LowP0238 MAP Sensor Voltage Too HighP0251 CP3 Pump Regulator ControlP0300 Multiple Cylinder MisfireP0301 Cylinder # 1 MisfireP0302 Cylinder # 2 MisfireP0303 Cylinder # 3 MisfireP0304 Cylinder # 4 MisfireP0305 Cylinder # 5 MisfireP0306 Cylinder # 6 MisfireP0335 Crankshaft Position (CKP) LostP0336 Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor SignalP0337 Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Voltage Too LowP0338 Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Voltage Too HighP0340 Camshaft Position (CMP) LostP0341 Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor SignalP0381 Wait To Start Lamp InoperativeP0461 Fuel Level Unit No Change Over TimeP0462 Low Voltage Detected at the Fuel Level SensorP0463 High Voltage Detected at the Fuel Level SensorP0477 Low Voltage on the Engine Brake DriverP0478 High Voltage on the Engine Brake DriverP0480 Fan ClutchP0483 Fan SpeedP0500 No Vehicle Speed Sensor SignalP0514 Battery Temperature Sensor RationalityP0516 Low Voltage at the Battery Temp SensorP0517 High Voltage at the Battery Temp SensorP0521 Oil Pressure Switch RationalityP0524 Oil Pressure Too LowP0532 A/C Sending Unit Volts Too LowP0533 A/C Sending Unit Volts Too HighP0541 Low Voltage on the #1 Intake Air Heater RelayP2607 Low Voltage at the #2 Intake Air Heater RelayP0542 High Voltage on the #1 Intake Air Heater RelayP2608 High Voltage at the #2 Intake Air Heater RelayP0562 Battery Voltage LowP0563 Battery Voltage HighP0572 Low Voltage Detected at the Brake SwitchP0573 High Voltage Detected at the Brake SwitchP0580 Low Voltage Detected at the Speed Control SwitchP0581 High Voltage Detected at the Speed Control SwitchP0583 Low Voltage Detected at the Speed Control Vacuum DriverP0584 High Voltage Detected at the Speed Control Vacuum DriverP0587 Low Voltage Detected at the Speed Control Vent DriverP0588 High Voltage Detected at the Speed Control Vent DriverP0595 Low Voltage Detected at the S/C Brake Switch OuputP0596 High Voltage Detected at the S/C Brake Switch OuputP0602 Checksum ErrorP0604 ECM Software ErrorP0606 ECM Hardware ErrorP0607 ECM Internal FailureP0622 Generator Field Not Switching ProperlyP0628 Low Voltage Detected at the Fuel Lift PumpP0629 High Voltage Detected at the Fuel Lift PumpP0630 VIN Not Entered ErrorP0633 Skim Secret Key Not EnteredP0642 Low Voltage at the #2 Sensor Supply CircuitP0643 High Voltage at the #2 Sensor Supply CircuitP0646 Low Voltage Detected at the A/C Clutch RelayP0647 High Voltage Detected at the A/C Clutch RelayP0652 Low Voltage at the #1 Sensor Supply CircuitP0653 High Voltage at the #1 Sensor Supply CircuitP0698 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too LowP0699 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too HighP1652 J1850 Short to GroundP2121 APP Volts Do Not Agree with Idle Validation SignalP2122 Low Voltage at the APP SensorP2123 High Voltage at the APP SensorP2127 Low Voltage at the Throttle Validation SwitchP2128 High Voltage at the Throttle Validation SwitchP2146 Bank 1 (Cylinders 1-3) Shorted High or LowP2149 Bank 2 (Cylinders 4-6) Shorted High or LowP2266 Water in Fuel (WIF) Sensor Voltage Too LowP2269 Water in Fuel (WIF)P2502 Charging System ErrorP2503 Charging System Ouput LowP2504 Charging System Ouput HighP2509 Power-Down Data Lost ErrorP2609 No Voltage Drop Seen From Intake Air HeatersSPEED CONTROLP1593 Speed Control Switch StuckP1595 Speed Control Solenoid CircuitsP1596 Speed Control Switch Always HighP1597 Speed Control Switch Always LowP1683 Speed Control Power Relay; or S/C 12v Driver CircuitTRANSMISSIONP0120 Throttle Position Sensor Signal CircuitP0122 Throttle Position Sensor/APPS LowP0123 Throttle Position Sensor/APPS HighP0124 Throttle Position Sensor/APPS IntermittentP0218 High Temperature Operation ActivatedP0562 Low Battery VoltageP0604 Internal TCMP0605 Internal TCMP0613 Internal TCMP0700 Internal TCMP0705 Check Shifter SignalP0706 Check Shifter SignalP0711 Trans Temp Sensor, No Temp Rise After StartP0712 Trans Temp Sensor Voltage Too LowP0713 Trans Temp Sensor Voltage Too HighP0714 Transmission Temperature Sensor IntermittentP0715 Input Speed Sensor ErrorP0720 Ouput Speed Sensor ErrorP0725 Engine Speed Sensor CircuitP0731 Gear Ratio Error in 1stP0732 Gear Ratio Error in 2ndP0733 Gear Ratio Error in 3rdP0734 Gear Ratio Error in 4thP0735 Gear Ratio Error in 4th PrimeP0736 Gear Ratio Error in ReverseP0740 Torque Converter Clutch, No RPM Drop @ LockupP0743 Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid/Trans Relay CircuitsP0748 Pressure Solenoid Control/Trans Relay CircuitsP0750 LR Solenoid CircuitP0751 O/D Switch Pressed (Lo) More Than 5 MinutesP0753 Trans 3-4 Shift Solenoid/Trans Relay CircuitsP0755 2/4 Solenoid Circuit (41TE, 42LE)P0755 2C Solenoid Circuit (45RFE)P0760 OD Solenoid CircuitP0765 UD Solenoid CircuitP0770 4C Solenoid CircuitP0783 3-4 Shift Solenoid, No RPM Drop @ LockupP0841 LR Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP0845 2/4 Hydraulic Pressure Test Failure (41TE, 42LE)P0845 2C Hydraulic Pressure Test Failure (45RFE)P0846 2/4 Pressure Switch Sense Circuit (41TE, 42LE)P0846 2C Pressure Switch Sense Circuit (45RFE)P0867 Line Pressure FaultP0868 Line Pressure LowP0869 Line Pressure HighP0870 OD Hydraulic Pressure Test FailureP0871 OD Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP0875 UD Hydraulic Pressure Test FailureP0876 UD Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP0884 Power Up at SpeedP0888 Relay Output Always OffP0890 Switched BatteryP0891 Transmission Relay Always OnP0897 Worn Out/Burnt Transaxle FluidP0932 Line Pressure Sensor FaultP0944 Loss of PrimeP0951 Autostick Sensor CircuitP0952 Autostick Input Circuit LowP0987 4C Hydraulic Pressure Test FailureP0988 4C Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP0992 2-4/OD Hydraulic Pressure Test FailureP1652 Serial Communication Link MalfunctionP1684 Battery Was DisconnectedP1687 No Communication with MICP1694 BUS Communication with Engine ModuleP1714 Low Battery VoltageP1715 Restricted Port In T3 RangeP1716 BUS Communication with Engine ModuleP1717 No Communication with MICP1726 UD Hydraulic Pressure Switch CircuitP1727 4C Hydraulic Pressure Switch CircuitP1728 2C Hydraulic Pressure Switch CircuitP1732 UD Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP1733 4C Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP1734 2C Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP1735 Inadequate Element Volume 4CP1736 Gear Ratio Error in 2nd PrimeP1738 High Temperature Logic ActivatedP1739 Power Up at SpeedP1740 TCC O/D Solenoid PerformanceP1756 Governor Pressure Not Equal to Target @ 15-20 PSIP1757 Governor Pressure Above 3 PSI In Gear @ 0 MPHP1762 Governor Pressure Sensor Offset Volts Too Low Or HighP1763 Governor Pressure Sensor Volts Too HighP1764 Governor Pressure Sensor Volts Too LowP1765 Switched Battery (41TE , 42LE)P1765 Trans 12 Volt Supply Relay Control Circuit (42RE, 46RE, 47RE)P1767 Relay Output Always OnP1768 Relay Output Always OffP1770 Inadequate Element Volume LRP1771 Inadequate Element Volume 2CP1772 Inadequate Element Volume ODP1773 Inadequate Element Volume UDP1775 Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in TCC PossitionP1776 Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in LR PositionP1781 OD Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP1782 2-4 Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP1784 L-R Pressure Switch Sense CircuitP1787 OD Hydraulic Pressure Switch CircuitP1788 2-4 Hydraulic Pressure Switch CircuitP1789 2-4/OD Hydraulic Pressure Switch CircuitP1790 Fault Immediately After ShiftP1791 Loss of PrimeP1792 Battery Was DisconnectedP1793 TRD Link Communication ErrorP1794 Speed Sensor Ground ErrorP1795 Internal Transmission ControllerP1796 Autostick Input CircuitP1797 Manual Shift OverheatP1798 Worn out / Burnt Transaxle FluidP1799 Calculated Oil Temp In UseP1899 P/N PerformanceP2700 Inadequate Element Volume LRP2701 Inadequate Element Volume 2CP2702 Inadequate Element Volume ODP2703 Inadequate Element Volume UDP2704 Inadequate Element Volume 4CP2706 MS Solenoid Circuit
that is the vin number and the serial number
good morning, I have a VIN #5N1AR1AW76C673959 and i would like to get the corresponding engine serial number. thank you
The VIN number for the car will identify the motor.
Check the VIN #. "242" is the GTO number.
The last six digits of the VIN number is the serial number on a Yamaha Banshee. The VIN number is found under the stator cover on the lower left part of the frame.
the vin stands for Vehicle Identification Number. it is what used to be called the Serial Number. on most motorcycles the vin is 17 digits and is usually stamped into the frame on the steering head in between the fork tubes. sometimes there is also a sticker elsewhere on the frame with the same number.
There were no VIN numbers in 1949. Vehicles at that time had a serial number and an engine number. The serial number is what you want and should be on a plate somewhere in the door jamb.
Get under the engine bay and uses a flashlight to find the VIN. The VIN stamp will vary from vehicle to vehicle, but will be mounted somewhere on the engine block. Some older vehicles will contain a serial number instead of a VIN. Match up the VIN from the engine block to the VIN on the vehicle. If the engine block has a serial number instead of a VIN then contact the manufacture dealer to see what serial number the original engine block had. .
No, the serial number on the engine is totally different from the VIN number on the frame. The only info you can get from your engine number is date and origin of manufacture. The frame VIN number and engine numbers are always different.
If you are looking for the actual SERIAL number of the vehicle, it is usually the last 6 characters in the VIN.
engine code in the vin number