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Binet has a formula named after him.

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Q: What Person has an algebra formula named after them?
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Is there algebra behind Graham's law?

Algebra can be used to solve for an unknown value in Graham's Law formula. The Grahams law formula can use algebra for solving for an unknown value in the formula.

Is there a generic formula to solve algebra?


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How do you use algebra to find an formula?

Algebra is a branch of mathmatics that uses formulae to calculate unknowns

What is the name of the horse in little rascals tv show?

The name of the horse was "Algebra" .

What type of algebra do pharmacist use?

They use the following formula to find the drug absoption in a person's blood stream (A) after (t) hours of taking the dose:A = (391t2 + 0.112) / (0.218t4 + 0.991t2 + 1)This was straight from my algebra textbook!

What is the mathematical formula for calculating aljebra?

I suppose you mean "algebra". There are lots of formulas in algebra. Look up any introductory algebra school book.

Who was algebra named after?

'Algebra; is an Arabic word, 'Al Jabr' meaning 'The Stones/ or The Bone Setting'.

Is computer programming useful in learning the distance formula in Algebra 1?

Computer programming is somewhat useful in learning the distance formula in Algebra 1. Learning the distance formula has more to do with your ability at mathmetics and you want to learn.

What is the formula for in algebra for solving problems using the distance formula?

distance= speed x time

What is an algebraist?

An algebraist is a person who is particularly skilled in algebra, or a mathematician who specializes in algebra.

Who named algebra?

Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi.