The square of 8, which is 64 and the square of 9 is 81. Once you consider the square of 10, it is 100 so it is no longer a two digit number.
There is a lot of answer for this, but I tell you one. The answer is 6541.
Just compare the first decimal digit. The number that has the larger digit here, is the larger number.
The number/digit 2.
0.75 is larger. To determine which decimals are larger, always look at the first number after the decimal point. Whichever digit is larger is the larger number. If they're the same, look to the second digit to see which is bigger, and so on. In this case, because 7 is greater than 3, 0.75 is larger than 0.375.
There is a lot of answer for this, but I tell you one. The answer is 6541.
Every square of a 4 digit number has more than four digits.
Just compare the first decimal digit. The number that has the larger digit here, is the larger number.
A proper 2-digit number (which must be smaller than 100) cannot be twice a 10-digit number (which must be larger than 999,999,999).
Yes, there is. Just as there is no largest number, there is no largest square number. For example, if you calculate the square of 975, you get a number that is (a) larger than 975, and (b) by definition, a square number.
87 is the only 2-digit number that is 6 greater and 13 less than a square, but it is not prime.
17 \
The number/digit 2.
A positive number is larger than a negative number. For example, 5 is more than -8. For positive numbers: * The number with more digits is larger. For example, 123 is more than 28. * If two numbers have the same number of digits, compare the first digit. The number with the larger first digit is larger. For example, 207 is more than 128. * If the first digit is the same, compare the second digit. If those are the same, compare the third digit, etc. For example, 2280 is more than 2245. To compare two negative numbers, the number which - without the minus sign - would be SMALLER, is the larger number. For instance, -8 is more than -9.
2 digit number which is square number less than 42 but greater than 29 = 36square numbers are 2, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49,...
67 is a larger number than 12 because 6 is larger than the 1 while its a 2 digit number its easier to see which is bigger