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Q: What age would you be if you are in third grade?
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Can you get a at the age of 9?

You can get an "A" if youre in grades kindergarten-third grade.

What grade did scouts teacher say she would start writing in cursive?

Scout's teacher said she would start teaching cursive writing to the class in third grade.

What happens if a child does not pass fcat in third grade?

She would have to repeat 3 grade

What does it mean if a child is in the second grade and he is doing 3 grade reading but they say he is going to be placed in 3rd grade because they say he cant stay focused will keeping him in 2nd gr?

It sounds as though he's too bright for second grade and would probably get bored (so distracted), while third grade would be more of a challenge. Against this, he may miss friends in his own age group, and possibly find third grade too challenging.

What grade would a child age 8 be in?

2nd or 3rd grade usually.

Is nine too old for third grade?

No, that is a normal age for 3rd grade. Most kids begin 3rd grade at age 8 but turn 9 sometime during the school year, or the summer after if they have a later summer birthday.

What grade is a preteen?

age is 12, so think 7th grade would be a preteen grade in school

Is a 3rd grader supposed to be 5' 1?

This depends on the third grader. I was 4' 8'' in third grade and was one of the tallest kids for my age. My mature height is 6' 4'' at age 22.

Is third grade good?

third grade rocks i had so much fun! it was amazing and im in third grade i loved it

How do you get a third grade guy to like a third grade girl?

be nice to her

Could the children of slaves allowed to be educated beyond third grade?

Probably not. I don't think that any slave would be allowed to be educated past a third grade level.

American school system?

Pre-K An optional year or two that prepares the child to enter Kindergarten.Typically age 4 give or take a year Elementary school-Kindergarten-4th grade Kindergarten-Typically age 5 or 6 First Grade-Age 6 or 7 Second grade-Age 7 or 8 Third Grade-Age 8 or 9 Fourth Grade- Age 9 or 10 Middle School-Grades 5-6 5th Grade-Age 10 or 11 6th Grade- Age 11 or 12 Junior High (Sometimes Junior School is part of Middle School)-Grades 7-8 Grade 7-Age 12 or 13 Grade 8-Age 13 or 14 High school-Grades 9-12 Grade 9(Freshman)-Age 14 or 15 10th Grade (Sophomore)-Age 15 or 16 11th Grade (Junior)-Age 16 or 17 12th Grade (Senior)- Age 17 or 18 Then there is either college or university. Hope this helped!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------