If you were born in 1966, you would have celebrated your 19th birthday in 1985 !
you would be 22 years old
As today is the 1st January 2010 and you were born on the 28th August 1985 you would be 24 years and 125 days old.
You would be 25 years old because 2012-1985=27
Well, happy little friend, if you were born in 1985, all you need to do is subtract the year you were born from the current year to find out your age. So, if we are in the year 2021, you would be 36 years old. Just remember, age is just a number, and what truly matters is the joy and beauty you bring to the world each day.
If I were born 1985 what age I would be now
As of 2014, you would be 29 years old. To get your age, you have to subtract the current year from the year you were born in. In this case, 2014 minus 1985 equals 29.
25 years of age on October 21, 2010.
-1. she was born in '86.
Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985
If you were born in 1966, you would have celebrated your 19th birthday in 1985 !
If you were born in 1985 you would have been 18 or turning 18.
the top 12 females: Crystal Bowersox born Aug 4, 1985, age 24 Siobhan Magnus born March 15, 1990, age 20 Katie Stevens born December 8, 1992, age 17 Didi Benami born October 25, 1986, age 23 Paige Miles born September 26, 1985, age 24 Lacey Brown born Aug 13, 1985, age 24 the top 12 males: Lee DeWyze born April 2, 1986, age 24 Casey James born Jan 1, 1983, age 27 Aaron Kelly, born April 2, 1993 age 17 Michael Lynche, born May 31 1983, age 26 Tim Urban, born May 1, 1989, age 20 Andrew Garcia, born Oct 8, 1985, age 24
Born: June 11, 1985 (age 27), in Vancouver
James Bubba Stewart was born born December 21, 1985.
You would be 26 if you were born then.
if i was born in 1985 am I in hte legal age drinking limit