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This is another one of those questions which I can in no wise even begin to

answer, but which I suspect would quickly become a veritable piece o'cake

if I could but see the vector in its coordinate space for only an instant.

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Q: What angle does the vector make with the positive z axis?
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Can an angle be negative?

Visually it doesn't make sense for an angle to be negative. However we often measure angles off of some axis, such as the x-axis, and positive angles go around counter-clockwise, while negative angles go around clockwise. Outside of the context of a Cartesian Coordinate system (x-y plane), negative angles don't generally make sense.

How do you work out angles with only numbers. for example im trying to make a 30 degree angle with only a straight ruler is it possible for me to work a height and apply the angle?

For certain angles, the answer is yes. For 30o to the horizontal (in the positive x direction), you need to measure the horizontal distance to be twice the vertical distance. For example, draw a triangle with a base length of 10cm and, at a right angle to the base, measure a height of 5cm. The angle to the horizontal (the smaller angle) will be 30o. (The opposite is true for the angle of 60o).

Which one is the x-axis?

The x axis is the horizontal (flat, bottom, left-right) axis generally, though sometimes they are manipulated to make math easier. -the x axis sometimes represents time The y axis is the vertical (up-down) one.

Is a positive plus a negative make a positive or a negative?

Positive + Negative = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative

The complement of 30 degrees angle has a measure of?

The complement of any angle is the angle which adds to it to make 90 degrees. In this instance, an angle of 60 degrees adds to 30 to make 90 degrees. Therefore, the complement of 30 degrees is 60 degrees.

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The figure shows two vector B and C along with magnitude and direction . D is given by D =B -C. What is the magnitude of vector of D What angle does vector D make with the +x-axis?


Can the components of a vector be different in different coordinate systems?

Apparently so. I answered False and was wrong. I don't really understand how though seeing as magnitude and direction cannot be different, and they are determined by the components, but oh well. The answer is True. * * * * * Translation of the axis will not make a difference to the components but rotation will. Here is a simplified explanation (I hope), with more mathematical details for those who want it. The components of a vector are the projections of the vector along the coordinate axes. If you have a vector, its component along the x-axis is what its "shadow" on the x-axis would be if you shone the light from above - from a direction perpendicular to the x-axis. And its component along the y-axis would be the shadow if you shone a light from a direction perpendicular to the y-axis. Leave the vector as it is and rotate the coordinate axes about the origin and see what happens. The components will change. More advanced: Suppose the original vector, V, had a length of r units and made an angle of A with the x-axis at the origin. then Vx = r*cos(A) and Vy = r*sin(A) Now rotate the axes (anticlockwise) by an angle B. V now makes an angle (A-B) with the new x-axis. then Vx' = r*cos(A-B) and Vy' = r*sin(A-B) These will not be the same unless B = 2*pi*k where k is an integer. That is, only if the axes were rotated through a whole number of circles - back to where it was!

What is a camber angle?

The camber angle is the angle that the wheels of a vehicle make. Specifically, it is the angle between the wheel axis used for steering and the vertical direction of the car.

Can an angle be negative?

Visually it doesn't make sense for an angle to be negative. However we often measure angles off of some axis, such as the x-axis, and positive angles go around counter-clockwise, while negative angles go around clockwise. Outside of the context of a Cartesian Coordinate system (x-y plane), negative angles don't generally make sense.

What is the difference between magnetic vector potential and magnetic scalar potential?

A vector is a quantity with both magnitude (strength) and direction. Like a force having a strength in pounds and a direction. Or a wind having magnitude (in mph) and direction (Northeast). A scalar has only magnitude. Like the length of a segment or amount of peanuts in a jar. Scalars are just numbers.

What is the vector quantity for mass?

It isn't, because a mass can only be positive - there are no negative masses. Also mass is only referring to one thing and this doesn't give as much information as a vector quantity. Mass is scalar.

What is the answer to y equals 4x-5 in a mapping diagram?


How do you make vector representation?

explain the vector representation of Coulom's law.

What do a obtuse angle and a acute angle make?

They can make an obtuse angle, a straight angle or a reflex angle.

Can any plane turn or rotate at an angle of 90 degrees and keep flying?

Any plane can make a 90 degree turn on the z axis and keep flying.

Can a vector have 0 component along a line and still have non zero magnitude?

Huh?I have been kicking around your question in my mind for five minutes trying to figure out an answer or a way to edit your question into an unambiguous form, but I'm stumped. I don't know what you mean by "zero component along a line."If you look at the representation of a vector on paper using a Cartesian coordinate system -- in other words, one using x and y axes -- the orthogonal components of the vector are the projections of the vector on the x and y axes. If the vector is parallel to one of the axes, its projection on the other axis will be zero. But the vector will still have a non-zero magnitude. Its entire magnitude will project on only one axis.But a vector must have magnitude AND direction. And if it has zero magnitude, its direction cannot be determined.Still trying to make heads or tails out of your question.......If you draw a random vector on a Cartesian grid, it will have an x component and a y component, which are both projections of the original vector upon the axes. However, it could also be represented by projecting it onto a new set of orthogonal axes -- call them x' and y' -- where the x' axis is oriented to be parallel to the original vector and the y' vector is perpendicular to it. In that case, the x' component will have a magnitude equal to the magnitude of the original vector -- in other words, a non-zero value along a line parallel to the x' axis -- and a zero magnitude in the y' direction.

Why sin angle equal to angle if the angle is very small?

The sine is almost equal to the angle, in case the angle is expressed in radians. Please make a picture of a circle, put a point on the circle at a small angle (say, 10 degrees or less), then draw the sine (a vertical line from the x-axis up to your point) for a small angle. You will see that the arc of the circle has almost the same length as the vertical line you drew. The arc is the angle; the vertical line is the sine.