The LCM of these numbers is 24 . LCM is Least common multiple.
First you Prime Factorize the two (or more) numbers. The LCM of the two (or more) numbers must contain all the prime factors of the two (or more) numbers that made it. To find the LOWEST common multiple, for each prime factor, find from one of the numbers where the prime factor has the highest power. The highest powers of each prime multiply together to form the LCM of the numbers. e.g. LCM of 36 and 24 36 = (2^2)(3^2) 24 = (2^3)3 LCM = (2^3)(3^2) = 72
To find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 8, 15, and 24, we first need to break down these numbers into their prime factors. 8 = 2^3, 15 = 3 * 5, and 24 = 2^3 * 3. The LCM is then calculated by taking the highest power of each prime factor that appears in any of the numbers: 2^3 * 3 * 5 = 120. Therefore, the LCM of 8, 15, and 24 is 120.
The least common multiple is the smallest number that is multiple of two or more numbers.2: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24,3: 6, 9, 12 ,15, 18, 21, 248: 8, 16, 24The LCM of 2, 3 and 8 is is: 24
3 and 8
The LCM of these numbers is 24 . LCM is Least common multiple.
The LCM of these numbers is 24. LCM is Least Common Multiple.
If the GCF of two numbers is 12 and the LCM is 24, the two numbers are 12 and 24.
The set of 2 and 24.
8 and 24
The LCM of 8 and 3 is 24, which is the multiple of the combined prime factors of both numbers (2 x 2 x 2 x 3).
6 and 8
6 & 8
The LCM of 12 and 24 is 24.
If there are only two numbers, then 6 and 8
2 and 24 6 and 8
We use the LCM to compare whole numbers. What you do with the numbers after that is your business. 2 feet is 24 inches. The LCM of 24 and 9 is 72.