Decimals are used when you are displaying a stop watch and time. Decimals are used you are counting money. They are used when gas stations display gas prices. They are used on receipts for purchases. They are also used when you are telling someone's weight.
counting money
You can use decimals in money.
Some people work as a teacher or a mathmetition, they use negative numbers in their everyday lives. Some people use negative numbers when they are overdue.
Decimals are used in money. There is a real difference between a 1.99 and 199.00.
price of goods
counting money
sales tax is a percent
You can use decimals in money.
Virtualization can be used many different ways in everyday life. Those who use hypothetical situations in their work would use this everyday.
You use decimals on a daily basis when you handle money - if you live in a country that has cents, pennies, or something similar. The pennies are simply decimals of the larger unit - for example, in the United States, 57 cents are US$ 0.57.
radio say you are goin to cange it to 105.1 see
Well, decimals can be used for voting.
How you use decimals in real life.We use decimals when buying a grocery items in the market. Example the price of potato is $20.19.
in golf u use integers hahahahahah oh yeahh