Decimals are used when you are displaying a stop watch and time. Decimals are used you are counting money. They are used when gas stations display gas prices. They are used on receipts for purchases. They are also used when you are telling someone's weight.
counting money
Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.
When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!
You use science in different ways such as 1. It is around you everyday. 2. You use science tools everyday too.
There are many ways that people use decimals. One may encounter decimals when weighing fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Decimals are also often used when keeping time, during a track meet or a marathon, for instance.
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
You use decimals on a daily basis when you handle money - if you live in a country that has cents, pennies, or something similar. The pennies are simply decimals of the larger unit - for example, in the United States, 57 cents are US$ 0.57.
while calculating on a calculator !
Money in a library distance