To know how to split pies, pizzas, and other stuff.
To know how much of a circle or other shape is shaded.
To know how many inches is something if it is not exactly a whole number.
To know what a decimal is.
To know other stuff.
As fractions are numbers you would use the same methods as any other comparison or ordering of numbers. Largest to smallest or smallest to largest are the most likely ways
Equivalent fractions for five fifteenths are 1/3, 1000/3000, 20/60, 50/150, etc.
Sure, honey. You can use fractions when following a recipe and measuring ingredients, when calculating discounts or sales prices while shopping, and when dividing up a pizza among friends. Fractions are everywhere, just like wrinkles and bad decisions.
There are 137 jobs that use fractions.
To Learn how to do it in hard ways
Five ways to use a map is location, place
A quarter after five, half past 6, a quarter to 7, etc...
two equivalent fractions for five tenths = 10/20, 15/30
As fractions are numbers you would use the same methods as any other comparison or ordering of numbers. Largest to smallest or smallest to largest are the most likely ways
You can buy a popular game, Pizza Fractions which has different ways for looking at and considering fractions.
Five twelves is 60. So a sixtieth?
Equivalent fractions for five fifteenths are 1/3, 1000/3000, 20/60, 50/150, etc.
10 and five eights divided by 12 and three sevens in fractions = 0.8333333333333334
Sure, honey. You can use fractions when following a recipe and measuring ingredients, when calculating discounts or sales prices while shopping, and when dividing up a pizza among friends. Fractions are everywhere, just like wrinkles and bad decisions.