many names for noumber . write five names for 64.
Even number Rational number Composite number As a fraction: 64/1 As a decimal: 64.0 82 = 64 26 = 64
To express 0.015625 as a fraction, we first note that the number has five decimal places. To convert it to a fraction, we write it as 15625/1000000. Next, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 15625, resulting in 1/64. Therefore, 0.015625 as a fraction is 1/64.
8^2, 4^3, 2^6
26, 43, 82, 64 and √4096.
many names for noumber . write five names for 64.
They can be: 43 = 64, 82 = 64 and 26 = 64
82 and 43
Even number Rational number Composite number As a fraction: 64/1 As a decimal: 64.0 82 = 64 26 = 64
It is 64/1, 640/10 and 64064/1001.
64 5/10
five times 25 8times 64
32/50 or 0.64
To write any number as a percent, multiply the number by 100 (move the decimal to the right two places). Example: 64 x 100 = 6400 = 6400%
2^6, 4^3, 8^2
5 and 64/100