2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.
Two (or four) digits added together cannot equal 42. Two-digit numbers multiplied together cannot equal 82.
The numbers being added together are called addends. The answer is called the sum. 4+2=6 Four and two are addends and six is the sum.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
There are an infinite number of groups of numbers whose sum, difference, product, quotient etc. is equal to 40 . But there are not four numbers that equal 40. In fact, there is only one number that equals 40. The number is . . . . . 40 .
2 odd numbers added together equal an event number. to even numbers added together equal an even number. it is impossible to make 4 odd numbers equal an even.
Two (or four) digits added together cannot equal 42. Two-digit numbers multiplied together cannot equal 82.
1, 2, 3 and 559 : added together, make 565.
Adding 4 odd numbers together will always equal an even number - got ya!
a sum is equal to the two numbers being added together, so the sum of two and four is six or: 2+4 = 6
The numbers being added together are called addends. The answer is called the sum. 4+2=6 Four and two are addends and six is the sum.
four threes
There is no real answer. The sum of four odd numbers must be even and so cannot be 19.
1 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 13
-2, -3, -4, -5. When these numbers are added together you will get -14.