Paper weights and decorative candles.
P.S. I had to find shapes the the real world for a math project.
P.S.S. Hope this helps :)
To find the Volume: (1) find the flat area (A = Pi*R²), (2) multiply the Area by the Depth/Height (V = AD). To find how much water the vessel will hold: water = 231 cu inches per gallon, or 7.481 gal per cu ft.
The plural form of the noun hold is holds.
It depends on the gun. Some hold 4 or 5, some hold 15 or more. Asking how many rounds does a 380 hold is a lot like asking how many gallons of gas does a car hold.
Assuming that you are asking does a bathtub hold 350 ml of water: 350 ml of water is not very much water, a typical water bottle that you hold in your hand has more than 350 ml of water in it, so a bathtub big enough to hold a person will hold many times that much.
You just smash it.
your moms verginity
Soap, diswashing liquid, detergent.
with house hold items such as spoons and bowls
A vase
hot dogs................................
for all sorts of house hold items
Zip lock bag of syrup
slow down in shooting the bb's