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There are fewer prime numbers. Composite numbers include anything not on this list:

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59,

61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131,

137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199

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Is the addition of two composite numbers also a composite number?

Not necessarily. For example 15 and 16 are composite numbers. They add to 31, which is a prime number. Similarly, the composite numbers 20 and 21 add up to 41, which is a prime number.

What is a sentence for composite number?

A composite number is made up of a product of prime numbers. It might be considered a non-prime number.

What 26 and30?

They are two composite numbers and they add up to 56 which is also a composite number

To find a composite number why divide by prime numbers?

You could try dividing by composite numbers but the number that you are testing is divisible by a composite number, then it will be divisible by a prime factor of that composite number and that prime factor will be smaller. It is always easier to work with smaller numbers.

What are the composite number 100 up to 1?

All composite numbers have more than 2 factors but prime numbers have only 2 factors

Why are composite numbers called composite numbers?

To distinguish them from prime numbers. Composite means "made up of various parts or elements." Prime numbers have one and only one factor pair. Composite numbers have a various number of factor pairs, but always more than one.

Is prime number less that 9 is equivalent to composite numbers less than 12?

You may mean: 3 and 5 are prime numbers that add up to the composite number of 8

What are the composite numbers up to 20?

The composite numbers up to 20 are 4,6,8,9,12,14,15,16,18 and 20.

How many composite numbers are between 1 and 99?

Look up a list of prime numbers (a Google search for "prime numbers" or "list of prime numbers" should do); every number (greater than 1) that is NOT a prime number is composite.

How do you explain in words how a number is composite?

A composite number is one that can be split up into smaller factors. It can be considered to be the product of two or more prime numbers.

Is the number 24 a prime or composite?

24 is composite because it can factored or split up as 24 = 3 * 8 for example. Prime numbers, such as 23, can not be split into factors.

How many composite numbers are there up to and including 30?

There are 18 composite numbers up to and including 30