

What are quadratic equations used for?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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quadratics are used for things like satellite dishes... there are more uses but that's only a basic one =)

we are doing a project in math that requires quadratic equations.

we make a parabola and put aluminum (or any other reflector) inside the parabola.

we make a stick to put in the middle of the parabola to make a focus.

we put the marshmellow on the focus and put the parabola in the sunlight. If done right then the marshmellow should heat up!

cool huh?

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There is no quadratic equation that is 'linear'. There are linear equations and quadratic equations. Linear equations are equations in which the degree of the variable is 1, and quadratic equations are those equations in which the degree of the variable is 2.

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The quadratic formula is used to solve the quadratic equation. Many equations in which the variable is squared can be written as a quadratic equation, and then solved with the quadratic formula.

Give some examples where Quadratic equations is used in daily life?

Quadratic equations can be used in solving problems where the formula is given, falling object problems and problems involving geometric shapes.All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

What is the quadratic equation used for?

It is used to solve quadratic equations that cannot be factored. Usually you would factor a quadratic equation, identify the critical values and solve, but when you cannot factor you utilize the quadratic equation.

In mathematics how does one use the quadratic formula?

The Quadratic formula in mathematics is used to solve quadratic equations in algebra. The simplest way to solve these equations is to set each of the factors to zero and then solve each factor separately.

What is the difference between quadratic formula and quadratic equation?

There are an infinite number of different quadratic equations. The quadratic formula is a single formula that can be used to find the pair of solutions to every quadratic equation.

How many methods are there for solving quadratic equations?

There are several methods for solving quadratic equations, although some apply only to specific quadratic equations of specific forms. The methods include:Use of the quadratic formulaCompleting the SquareFactoringIterative methodsguessing

Can a factor pair have an extra addition problem?

Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.

What are the degrees of quadratic equations?

A quadratic equations have a second degrees, such that Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0

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