What are fractions or decimals that name the same amount
This sentence is a non-example. Answer.com is a non-example. Anything that has nothing to do with ratios is a non-example.
21:56 42:112 63:168
No. Picture them as fractions. Is 3/4 the same as 4/3? No it isn't, and the ratios are the same way! No. Picture them as fractions. Is 3/4 the same as 4/3? No it isn't, and the ratios are the same way!
1:2, 2:4, 4:8, 6:12 a equivalent ratios compares units that are the same.
One to two Two to four They're known as equivalent ratios.
you call it an equivalent ratio
equivalent ratios are different ratios that name the same comparison
when a number of ratios give the same answer after solving the ratios the ratios are said to be equivalent ratios
Equivalent ratios.
Equivalent Ratios
When they are equivalent ratios.
ratios that r the same
What are fractions or decimals that name the same amount
They are equivalent ratios.
No, phenotypic ratios are not always the same as genotypic ratios. Phenotypic ratios are based on the physical appearance of individuals, while genotypic ratios are based on the genetic makeup of individuals. Various factors such as dominance, incomplete dominance, and gene interactions can result in differences between phenotypic and genotypic ratios.
Two ratios are equivalent if their simplest forms are the same.