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A quadrilateral.

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Q: What are shapes with four straight sides called?
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What shape has fewer than four straight sides?

Common shapes with less than 4 sides are triangles and circles ( but the circle has no straight sides).

What is a group of shapes with more than 4 sides called?

There is no special name that distinguishes shapes with more than four sides from shapes with four or fewer.

What is a shape with more than four straight sides?

A pentagon (5-sides), hexagon (6-sides), heptagon (7-sides), and octagon (8-sides) are all examples of shapes with more than four straight sides.

What do you call a shape that has 4 unequal sides?

well the name of shapes that has four sides are called quadrilateral its called.

What do they call a shape that has 4 sides?

as shape with four sides is generally a squre but a group of shapes with four sides are called quadrelaterals

What shapes are quadrilaterals but not parallelograms or trapezoids?

Any shape with four straight sides is a quadrilateral. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, and a parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides. So any shape with four straight sides and no parallel sides is a quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram or trapezoid.

What are shapes with four sides called?

They are called Quadrilaterals. The 'Quad' means 4

What are the shapes with no parallel sides?

Well If you are looking for a four sided shape with no parallel sides it is called a trapezium.

Shapes with 4 sides?

Shapes that have four sides are known as quadrilaterals.

Which shapes has uneven four sides?

A quadrilateral can have uneven four sides

What is a four sided polygon called that does not have equal sides?

There are many such shapes and there is no specific name.

What are the attributes of quadrilateral shapes?

They are plane (2 dimensional or flat) figures. They are closed shapes. They are bounded by four straight sides. Then there are others that follow from the general attributes of polygons.