

What are some fifth-order consumers?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What are some fifth-order consumers?
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chickens are consumers plants are producers trust me this is true ( animals and humans are all consumers)

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some consumers in the deciduous forest are: - bird - monkey - mushroom

What living things are consumers?

any animal or human that eats. some bugs are consumers.

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What are some consumers in a beach ecosystem?

Some examples of beach consumers would be any animal, such as mollusks, seagulls, crabs and worms.

What are the secondary consumers of a swamp?

Secondary consumers are those animals that eat primary consumers. Secondary consumers in a pond include frogs, fish, and some insects.

Who eats consumers?

Some consumers eat other consumers and also eat producers. They are called omnivores, which means 'eats everything'. Some consumers only eat producers (plants) and they are called herbivores. which means 'plant eater'. Some consumers only eat other consumers and they are called carnivores, which mean 'meat eater'.

Are people produsers or consumers?

People are both producers and consumers. Some people produce products for other citizens to consume. In a biology sense, we are consumers.