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Some food lines are: sun gives energy to the grass which gives energy to cows who gives energy to humans

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Q: What are some food lines?
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Food lines

Is fast food bad for you?

yes, but some places have semi-healthy food. You won't get fat if you just eat a burger and fries or anything along the lines of that.

Can you bring food in your suitcase on a ferry?

It depends on the ferry line and sometimes on your destination. Some ferry lines have strict rules and forbid passengers to bring their own food and drinks. Other ferry lines will allow you to bring your own food and even eat it in public areas such as the decks or bars. It is best to check with them ahead of time to see what they will allow.

During the Great Depression what was the term for the lines formed by people waiting for free food?

bread lines

What was the term for the lines formed by people waiting for free food during the Great Depression?

Bread Lines

What are some foods that have lines in them?

Candy cane has lines :)

What were Bread Lines?

Bread lines were where people lined up to get government-supplied food during the Great Depression.

How many lines to a food chain?

it is depending on how many oraganisms are there.

What are some changes Russians face as a result of their changing government?

Higher prices for food, long lines for food, not enough food, WAY LESS EMPLOYMENT, and less space. Sources: Our World Today Social Studies Book ( and my teacher Mrs. Luderman :))

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How did iriquios get food?

they use spears and lines to make fishing poles

What is Bread lines?

A bread line is people waiting in line for food.