No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
Yes, fractions can be whole numbers. For example, 8/4 = 2 2 is a whole number.
1/2, 1/3 and 1/6
All fractions with a numerator (top number) of 1 are in simplest form because 1 is the smallest whole number there is and cannot be divided into anything smaller and still be a whole number.
proper factions are fractions under a whole number improper fractions are Example: proper: 1/2 improper: 3/2
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
Fractions that multiply to get 1 whole are reciprocals, or multiplicative inverses.
Fractions whose denominator is 1.
Yes, fractions can be whole numbers. For example, 8/4 = 2 2 is a whole number.
A general rule for multiplying fractions: You shall not multiply the denominator by the whole number,only the numerator.Another rule is you shall make the whole number as a fraction by putting the whole number as the numerator and 1 as the denominator before multiplying it.
Yes it is. All the fractions are NOT whole numbers.
1 half plus 1 half equals a whole
1/1 : 2/2 : 55/55 are 3 examples of fractions equivalent to 1 (1 being the whole of the fraction).
yes they do and fractions also represent divide like if you had 1/2 you would have half of a whole!
Yes when they have a denominator of 1
By ignoring the whole numbers. 1 and 6/8 = 1 and 3/4
There are actually infinitely many fractions which can be combined to form one. Some examples are:1/2 + 1/2 = 1 1/3 + 2/3 = 1 1/4 + 3/4 = 1 7/16 + 9/16 = 1 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1. etc. When two fractions add up to one, they may be described as complementary.